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   Rubber soft joint is easy to be aged or corroded due to its rubber characteristics, so it needs regular inspection and replacement.Then, the general rubber soft connection will appear what quality problems?



   First, install the model.Any inspection should verify that the installation is correct;There is no excessive error between flanges. Is the mounting face to face size correct?Check for excessive elongation, excessive compression, lateral or angular deviation.If incorrect installation leads to excessive displacement of rubber soft joint, new rubber soft joint should be replaced after pipe adjustment to adapt to the existing installation.



   The second is the deformation and stratification of blisters.If the surface has a small amount of blisters or deformation, it will not affect the performance of the product.It does not need to be repaired or replaced, and is only inspected regularly.If there are large bubbles on the surface of the sphere, deformation and/or layer separation can sometimes be observed.At this time, also need to replace the flexible rubber soft joint as soon as possible.



   The third thing to talk about is cracking or cracking.Some small cracks may not be obvious.After exposure to the sun, our pipes age over time and can crack and damage to varying degrees, and that's what happens.It needs to be replaced in time.We should try to avoid soft rubber joints in the sun or exposure to wind and rain!



   Fourth, beware of leaks.If we find a leak, we need to see if the bolt is tight. If this is excluded, it may be due to damage to the rubber soft joint ball or ball abrasive design problem. The rubber soft joint should be replaced immediately.Make sure the pipe runs properly!


   Only regular inspection and maintenance of the rubber hose connection, in order to maximize the convenience of the characteristics of soft rubber connection and service life, to ensure the safe operation of the entire pipeline system.

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