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   What is the rubber soft joint displacement overrun?



   Rubber soft joint is actually different from single ball rubber soft joint in appearance.The installation length is longer than that of single ball soft rubber joint, which solves the problem of short installation length of soft rubber joint.Double ball rubber soft joint can be used when installing long rubber joint, but it is forbidden to install double ball rubber joint during the installation process.When the double ball rubber soft joint is installed in flat, suspended and vertical, its actual axial displacement pressure is less than the supporting force of the pipe, otherwise the anti-pulling device should be installed to prevent the pressure falling off during work.



In the process of pipeline construction, there must be fixed support or support, the force of the fixed support must be greater than the axial force.The vertical and top installation of the product shall be installed at both ends of the fixing bracket and the force bracket to prevent post-tension work.Installation bolts of double ball rubber soft joint should be tightened symmetrically step by step to prevent local leakage. During installation, keep away from heat source and do not use media that does not meet the requirements of the product.


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