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   Main function and performance of reducer rubber joint: reducer rubber joint is also known as rubber size head, rubber reducing pipe.Rubber joint mainly has good elasticity, large displacement, easy installation, balance pipe deviation and other performance characteristics, the product is installed in the pump moment, is used to prevent cavitation, and the size of the pump inlet head should be the same, this is to prevent the gas phase in the pipeline in the pump mouth, the formation of large bubble son into the pump cavity, damage pump.Only in the case of a substance can it be safely contained.That is the size of the head directly behind the progressive bending of the elbow.The gas phase is not likely to accumulate in this case.



   Elongation or compression of reducer rubber joints in the direction of fluid flow (i.e., in the direction of the central axis).The product can produce lateral, axial and angular displacement during installation, and is not subject to the restrictions of pipe impaction and unfair flange.Rubber size head can also greatly reduce the vibration and noise of the pipeline system, can fundamentally solve all kinds of pipeline interface displacement, axial expansion and misalignment and other problems.


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