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   How to prevent the rubber joint from showing a partial crack?


    Rubber joint seam cracks revealed the reason is due to the strength will lower the head, so suppose is rubber joint connection method is not accurate, in a flexible rubber joint strength will be more low, such as operation, grinding, and the next layer of cloth, polishing is excessive, not enough lap length, number of steps, in a flexible rubber joint function of the rubber is very bad or sulfur has since lost service, wire rope grinding excessive, rust, etc., the strength of the joint parts will be big discount, when using, flush joint parts easily broken.Under the same material condition, the strength of the conveyor belt joint is lower than that of the normal belt body.If we want to prevent the exposed part of flexible rubber joint from cracking, we should pay attention to take care of it as much as possible in daily use. According to the above mentioned manipulation, we have the opportunity to reduce the occurrence of major disconnection.



   When we use mechanical way united connection, the joint strength can only reach forty percent to fifty percent of the belt body strength, the way of cold glue quality is better, in a flexible rubber joint strength can reach sixty percent to seventy percent, and the intensity of hot glue joint can reach eighty percent to ninety percent, to guarantee the accuracy of the method of joint, there is no lack of quality.It is also easy to cause the cause of cracking is that, assuming that the conveyor belt does not feel appropriate and the use of sealant, or glue joint direction is not accurate, the joint parts exposed cracks situation is normal.


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